SADHANA School of Indian Music has been launched under the guidance of Pt. Ronu Majumdar. The School has been recognized by the prestigious Gandharva Mahavidyalaya and The Sangeet Prasarak of Pune, India, where the students will be examined and certified for high school and university degree courses in Instrumental, Vocal as well as Percussion, by the examiners from Gandharva Mahavidyalaya.
Pt. Ronu Majumdar formally inaugurated the school on April 23, 2003.
Swami Sharananandaji of Chinmaya Mission Chicago, blessed the school, and urged to sing always for Lord, to see the Lord even in the audience.
- Maestros
- Pt. Ronu Majumdar (Principal- Acharya)
- Pt. Durga Prasad Majumdar
Local Faculty:
- Vocal – Nirmita Dholakia
- Instrumental – (Sitar)Clar Monaco
- Percussion – Dharminder Singh
Classes are held at the following locations:
Sadhana – Main location- Orland Park. 15251 Timber Ridge Court, Orland Park, Illinois, 60467
Sadhana – Merrillville Location. 8605 Merrillville Road, Merrillville, IN. 46410
Sadhana- Lemont Location- 12, S. 155, Lemont Road, Lemont, Illinois, 60439
Sadhana – Aurora location. P.M. Music Center, 651, S. Route 59, Aurora, Illinois, 60504
Classes offered in Vocal, Instrumental and Percussion
- For Information contact:
- Nirmita Dholakia – (Chicago)
- Pt. Ronu Majumdar – (Mumbai)